[SIP Beyond VoIP] Disable account registration during call

Madis-Karli Koppel madiskarli.koppel at mindtitan.com
Thu Jun 6 19:22:08 CEST 2019


Is there a way to disable account reregistration during a call?

I have a SIP account with very small expiration time. So it often happens
that during a call SIPSimple will send REGISTER command
(SIPAccountWillRegister notification) and SIP provider will handle it. He
will then send back BYE, ending the call.

I would like to wait until the call is over for this. How can I achieve

As a background: most of my application logic lives
in _NH_SIPSessionNewIncoming (@run_in_green_thread) that spawns other green
threads that use WavePlayers (play().wait(), this is most of the time when
SIPAccountWillRegister is sent) and WaveRecorders)

Best regards
Madis-Karli Koppel
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