[SIP Beyond VoIP] New SylkServer release version 4.1.0

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Fri Jan 20 11:38:40 CET 2017


There is a new version of SylkServer with WebRTC mobile app integration and recording APIs, bug fixes and improvements. 

Change log sylkserver (4.1.0)

  * Mention implemented standards for WebRTC video conferencing
  * Improve logging of WebRTC gateway and video conference applications
  * Added per video room access control and recording options
  * Fix settings the recording folder for video conference recordings
  * Fixed chatroom capabilities
  * Changed codec order
  * Changed sample rate to favor opus
  * Adjusted sample config with latest default values
  * webrtcgw: improved logging of incoming connections
  * webrtcgw: initial implementation of push notifications framework
  * webrtcgw: fix sample configuration file
  * webrtcgw: reorganized package
  * webrtcgw: fix for AutoBahn API change
  * webrtcgw: simplify ICE state flags
  * webrtcgw: uncomment log lines
  * webrtcgw: set content_available to True for FCM notifications
  * Capture validation errors when building requests
  * The new_token field is not required for the account-devicetoken request
  * Added extra logging to help debug device token handling
  * Increased debian compatibility level to 9
  * Increased debian standards version
  * Updated debian package maintainer
  * Added debian dependency on lsb-base
  * Adjusted debian package's descriptions
  * Updated boring file

To install or update your installation go to:



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