[SIP Beyond VoIP] New SIP SIMPLE client SDK release 0.18.2

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Wed Jun 8 19:07:22 CEST 2011


There is a new release for SIP SIMPLE client SDK and sipclients available, version 0.18.2 with bug fixes and better compatibility with several Linux distributions. This new release is compatible with the latest Python interpreter version >=2.7 and Cython >= 0.13 and it is easier now to to build a package for other non-Debian Linux distributions. 


python-sipsimple (0.18.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added compatibility with Python 2.7
  * Adapted code for Cython >= 0.13
  * Don't depend on the debug interpreter, recommend it
  * Removed unused SSL methods
  * Removed use of pysupport, use dh_python2 instead
  * Updated import paths for Null and Singleton for latest python-application
  * Fixed race condition that resulted in multiple bonjour accounts


SIP SIMPLE client SDK is now ready packaged for the latest Ubuntu distributions and Debian:

- Ubuntu Lucid (10.04)
- Ubuntu Maverick (10.10)
- Ubuntu Natty (11.04)
- Debian Stable (Squeeze)
- Debian Unstable (Sid)

Installation and upgrade instructions are available at:


Manual upgrade

If you build your packages manually you must also manually upgrade these dependencies from the same repository:

python-application (1.2.8)
python-backports (1.0.0) 
python-eventlet-0.8 ( 
python-gnutls (1.2.1)
python-greenlet (0.4.1) 
python-msrplib (0.14.1) 
python-xcaplib (1.0.16)

Kind regards,
Adrian Georgescu

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