[SIP Beyond VoIP] opus codec not available

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Sun Jul 14 12:56:00 CEST 2013

i build latest python-sipsimple_0.35.0 debian package and for some
reason it does not include support for opus codec.  i get error when i
include opus in codec list:

$ sip-settings --general set rtp.audio_codec_list=opus,speex,PCMU,PCMA
using set_wakeup_fd
rtp.audio_codec_list: illegal codec values: opus, speex, PCMU, PCMA
SIP SIMPLE general settings updated

the error disappears if i omit opus from the list.

do i need to something special in order to include opus in
python-sipsimple debian package?  i do have libopus-dev installed.

-- juha

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