[SIP Beyond VoIP] Robustness of Sylk-Server

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saul at ag-projects.com
Fri Nov 2 09:57:18 CET 2012


On Nov 2, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Onur DOLU wrote:

> Thanks Saul,
> We are aware of why sessions are terminated where we do not establish media path.
> It is good to know that, "it is chosen according to the standart."
> What we are trying to do is,
> First, making traffic only for sip sessions handling

This test is meaningless, all calls have media. Whatever the results would be, they don't resemble reality.

> Then, making traffic for both sip signaling and media path.
> We will try adding a simple application for creating tcp connection with the port that is received a=path in 200 OK.

That won't work. After establishing the TCP connection the connection needs to be 'bound' at the MSRP level, which means either sending or replying to an MSRP empty SEND chunk. There is also a keepalive process using the same mechanism during the call.

> If you have any workaround recommendation, it would be very helpful till we implement that dummy tcp socket application embedded into our sipp script.

You need a proper MSRP client to test this, I see no other way around it.


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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